Top 10k strings from Space Island (1983)(Terminal Software).tap
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2 q$="The door has slammed shut": 2 *(rf<15000 1 | ZZ VW 1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 1 yrcUclb\jmg3 1 with a switch on it": 1 with a control switch": 1 was an ARAFAD prince""": 1 w$="""SPACE"" to see vocabulary" 1 very strong": 1 v=v+(d$="7" 1 the door": 1 tb6)fc\rke 1 stop and rest ?": 1 sleepy....sweet dreams...": 1 shimmering a little": 1 shaped like a boat": 1 sh=sh-(sh>0 1 rf=rf-st*100 1 rf=rf-st*10 1 rf=rf-st*(rf>st): 1 rf=rf-5000 1 rf=rf+5000 1 rf=rf+4000 1 rf=rf+2000 1 rf=rf+1000 1 q$="Yuk ! - I feel sick - I'm off": 1 q$="Well, I didn't want to open it 1 q$="Vegetables are growing here": 1 q$="This boat is difficult to row 1 q$="They're going to explode !": 1 q$="They say they are lonely": 1 q$="They say I'm too noisey and 1 q$="They like me and insist that I 1 q$="They have moved to surround me": 1 q$="They have given me their power": 1 q$="They have bent over to touch 1 q$="They are not impressed with my 1 q$="They are melting too": 1 q$="There's a box of laser charges 1 q$="There is an old space shuttle 1 q$="There is an ancient inn here": 1 q$="There is an activate switch": 1 q$="There is a torch on the ground": 1 q$="There is a small silver disc 1 q$="There is a pair of lead boots 1 q$="There is a layer of ash before 1 q$="There is a door in the ground": 1 q$="There is a chair here. Can I 1 q$="There is a big spider in here": 1 q$="There are trees before me": 1 q$="There are some bottles of HEIN": 1 q$="The volcano is erupting": 1 q$="The trees have eyes and ears 1 q$="The tape has loaded": 1 q$="The spider is telepathic.": 1 q$="The metal thing I am standing 1 q$="The message in my mind says, 1 q$="The low fuel warning light is 1 q$="The lights have gone out": 1 q$="The lever is before me": 1 q$="The island is exploding": 1 q$="The handle is **ELECTRIFI...": 1 q$="The ground is vibrating": 1 q$="The ground is opening up": 1 q$="The ground before me is 1 q$="The dynamite is sweating": 1 q$="The door is locked": 1 q$="The door has melted away": 1 q$="The display reads ""SPREAD DATA 1 q$="The chair has started to spin": 1 q$="The air is running out": 1 q$="The activate teledrive lever 1 q$="The Auto-Defence is listening": 1 q$="That was good": 1 q$="Should I get in the boat ?": 1 q$="QUICKSAND! Help - I'm sinking": 1 q$="O.K. I'll keep the boat": 1 q$="O.K. I'll keep my feet clean": 1 q$="My mind is full of colours. I 1 q$="Message says, ""TIME SPREAD 1 q$="Its' tendrils have got me": 1 q$="It squelched !": 1 q$="It says, ""The missile is faked 1 q$="It says ""THE DAWNSIL COMPANY""": 1 q$="It is too heavy to lift": 1 q$="It is sliding away": 1 q$="It is going too fast for me": 1 q$="It has exploded but I'm O.K.": 1 q$="It has blown up, I'm dying": 1 q$="It didn't hear me": 1 q$="It contains a message": 1 q$="I've pulled myself out": 1 q$="I've nothing to load": 1 q$="I've lost it": 1 q$="I've got it": 1 q$="I've got in it but I can't get 1 q$="I've found a bed. Can I rest ?": 1 q$="I've been thrown clear": 1 q$="I've "+ 1 q$="I'm suffocating": 1 q$="I'm starving": 1 q$="I'm reloading": 1 q$="I'm immune to its' poison and 1 q$="I'm hungry": 1 q$="I'm holding on but the pull is 1 q$="I'm glad I've got rid of that": 1 q$="I'm getting out": 1 q$="I'm getting out of here !": 1 q$="I'm full, I can't eat anymore": 1 q$="I'm flying back to the start": 1 q$="I'm being teleported": 1 q$="I'm being crushed": 1 q$="I'm being attacked by a ROBOT": 1 q$="I'll have to get some": 1 q$="I think they are angry - Help": 1 q$="I think it's going to explode": 1 q$="I see an electronic gadget 1 q$="I see a strange plant with 1 q$="I see a sign above a door": 1 q$="I see a metalo-plastic overall": 1 q$="I see a cave": 1 q$="I see a box": 1 q$="I see a box of laser charges": 1 q$="I see a bottle labelled A.L.E.": 1 q$="I now have 40 shots to spare": 1 q$="I missed !": 1 q$="I killed it": 1 q$="I have no fuel": 1 q$="I have grown roots - goodbye": 1 q$="I have found some plants": 1 q$="I have found some dynamite": 1 q$="I have found an old orbital 1 q$="I have found a magnet": 1 q$="I have found a ladder !": 1 q$="I have found a key": 1 q$="I have found a hut": 1 q$="I have found a fuel tank 1 q$="I have found a BEEB machine 1 q$="I have found a data tape": 1 q$="I feel sick, but I can go on": 1 q$="I feel refreshed now": 1 q$="I feel like I'm walking on air": 1 q$="I feel ill, they are poison": 1 q$="I feel dizzy": 1 q$="I feel better now": 1 q$="I can't reach the door": 1 q$="I can't go on": 1 q$="I can't drop any items here. 1 q$="I can't carry anymore": 1 q$="I can smell gas...I'm very 1 q$="I am in a fuel dump": 1 q$="I am all shook up but O.K.": 1 q$="Hundreds of other spiders are 1 q$="Help, the whole thing is.....": 1 q$="Help, the fuel is burning": 1 q$="Help, I'm falling into lava": 1 q$="Help - it's radioactive ash": 1 q$="HELP ! - I'm drowning": 1 q$="Everything is vibrating": 1 q$="Everything is quiet": 1 q$="But I'm thirsty": 1 q$="Blop, gulup, pfff....": 1 q$="Another switch says""END""": 1 q$="An empty Telepax GT container 1 q$="A warning light says ""UNSAFE 1 q$="A warning is flashing ""TELEPAX 1 q$="A switch is marked ""ENGAGE""": 1 q$="A small fruit has stuck to my 1 q$="A message flashes on saying, 1 q$="A display reads ""I DO NOT 1 q$="A Laser Rifle is on the ground": 1 p$(a-23839 1 on the ground": 1 on is ticking": 1 o$((a-23878 1 long tendrils": 1 join them": 1 it to move": 1 is on the ground": 1 is before me.": 1 interceptor missile": 1 hovering just above the ground": 1 hl=hl-hls: 1 have thrown me out": 1 h=h+(d$="8" 1 g$(a-23801 1 flashing": 1 delay=9700 1 can't think - I'm going mad": 1 before me" 1 auto-defences": 1 attacking me": 1 approach": 1 and a tiny ""knot"" to talk with": 1 a container""": 1 ] 22 3) 1 W [c [c 1 STARDATE 2651 LOCATION: ZYRO 1 SPEAK SPECTRUM - GO AWAY""": 1 SPACE ISLAND 1 MISSION BRIEFING: 1 It may trigger off the planets 1 Isle 1 Island 1 I feel invigorated now": 1 HAS BEEN RECEIVED""": 1 GT must not be handle without 1 FUEL SYSTEM - LEAVE NOW !""": 1 DATA TRANSMITTED TO ORBITAL 1 CONTROL LETTERS AND WORDS 1 ;"nothing": 1 ;"You have lost your Android."''"Replay starts soon.": 1 ;"When the TIME SPREAD activated"''"the Calarax system dissapeared": 1 ;"Silently, the TIME SPREADER,"''"disguised as a missile, lifts"''"off and joins you in orbit."'''"You return to EARTH triumphant." 1 ;"Replay to verify program": 1 ;"Press ""S"" to start play"''"or any other key to repeat"''"the introduction." 1 ;"Goodnight": 1 ;"GENERATING GAME 1 ;"Adventure on"; 1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!88!!!!! !!! !!!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!88!!!!!!!!! !!!!! ! !!!!!!!!88!!!!!!!!! !!!! """ !!!!!!88!!!!!!!! !!! """"" !!!!!!88!!!!!!!!! !!!! """""" !!!!!88!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! """"" !!!!!88!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !"""" !!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! ""! !!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!88!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!88!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!888888888888888888888888888888888 1 *WEIGHT = 1 ***ENERGY = 1 ******************************** 1 *(rf>st*100 1 *(rf>st*10 1 )+" shots left": 1 (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 1 (v2,h2)=34 1 '''''" He stands alone amid the"''"wreckage on a small island west"''"of ROBA. He is your only hope"''"of completing your mission." 1 ''''"You have scored "; 1 ''''"Press 1 '''"Press any key to turn each page.": 1 '''"Press ""S"" to skip introduction" 1 '''" To protect their invention"''"they built a sophisticated"''"automatic defence system."''" Over the thousands of years"''"that followed, the seas of ZYRO"''"rose, flooding most of the land"''"and the ARAFAD fled across the"''"galaxy." 1 '''" As the evacuation was taking"''"place DAWNSIL, the pioneer of"''"TIMESPREAD, detected a major"''"malfunction in the TIMESPREADER"''"control systems."''" Taking a TIMESPREADER control"''"tape in a box, he went to the"''"huge volcano on ROBA, the"''"largest remaining island." 1 ''"Which object shall I drop ?" 1 ''"Load ""Screen"" then press key": 1 ''" Galactic archives record that"''"over 20,000 years ago the ARAFAD"''"people of ZYRO developed"''"TIMESPREAD. This enabled them to"''"distribute objects over a wide"''"TIMEBAND, thus reducing mass to"''"zero and allowing faster than"''"light travel." 1 ''" DAWNSIL managed to scrawl a"''"note before he was moved by the"''"TIMESPREADER to the place it"''"thought he should be - in the"''"evacuation fleet."''" In his remaining 340 years"''"DAWNSIL stressed the importance"''"of returning to ZYRO to disable"''"the system but was ignored." 1 ''" DAWNSIL intended to load the"''"tape into the TIMESPREADER unit"''"located near the top of ROBA"''"and shut down the system before"''"serious damage to the time"''"continuum occurred. However on"''"opening the box he found that"''"the tape had vanished, displaced"''"in time or space to another"''"location." 1 "ldladder","lslaser","dcdecoder","fccontainer","fufuel","liliquid" 1 "dtdata tape","bxbox","wdsilver disc","totorch","dydynamite","rcoverall","kekey","lblead boots","mgmagnet" 1 "I have :-"'' 1 "'''" Your starship is locked in"''"geostationary orbit above ROBA."''"Repeated attempts to land a"''"survey unit have fallen to laser"''"attacks from the surface. One"''"android has survived a crash and"''"awaits your command." 1 "'''" You must find the cause of the"''"dangerous time distortion around"''"ZYRO, disable it and return it"''"to Earth." 1 "'''" The star system around ZYRO is"''"nicknamed the Bermuda Sphere"''"because of the way starships go"''"missing in this area." 1 "'''" On your videoscanner you can"''"see ROBA and the location plot"''"of the android."''" The black dots indicate known"''"points of interest."'''"Keys 5 to 8 control direction."'''"Vocabulary is revealed by"''" pressing SPACE." 1 ""WAITING FOR DATA""": 1 ""The ash did this to me. I 1 letter only": 1 Find the tape and.......""": 1 Docimodus 1983"